Distribution System

A distribution system is a type of cable system that is used to transmit signals from a headend (a central point of origin) to customer terminals. It consists of a series of trunk and feeder cables that are connected in a specific pattern to form a network. The trunk cables are typically made of a thicker, more durable material than the feeder cables, and they are responsible for carrying the signal from the headend to the feeder cables. The feeder cables, which are usually made of a thinner, less durable material, are responsible for carrying the signal from the trunk cables to the customer terminals.

Trunk cables are usually made of a shielded coaxial cable and are used to carry signals from the headend to the distribution node. The distribution node is a device that splits the signal from the trunk line into multiple feeder lines. The feeder cables are then connected to the distribution node and run from the node to the customer’s premises. This type of cable system is designed to provide a reliable signal from the headend to the customer terminal.

Since the signal is split at the distribution node, the signal strength is reduced. To reduce signal loss, the cables used for the trunk and feeder lines are typically high quality and are designed to reduce signal loss. In addition, signal amplifiers may be used to boost the signal strength and ensure that the signal is strong enough to reach the customer terminals.

The distribution system is an important part of a cable system, as it is responsible for delivering the signal from the headend to the customer’s premises. Without a reliable distribution system, the signal may be weak or unreliable and customers may experience poor quality or no signal at all. To ensure a high-quality signal, it is important to use high-quality cables and to maintain the system regularly.